Neptune's Net
I almost posted twice in one day yesterday after returning from an outstanding surf session at County Line in Malibu. Can I just mention that I love living in Malibu? The waves were too big for me to handle, especially since I hadn't been in the water in about three months (thanks to eye surgery). But the water was a beautiful aquamarine, the sky was gorgeously overcast, and the Santa Monica hills rose primly in the distance. It was heaven.

I first checked out Zuma, which looked deserted, then Cabrillo, which looked very rocky, and finally one dude I talked to mentioned that I should drive up to the Ventura County line, where Neptune's Net is. Was I shocked to see beautiful lines approaching the shore, and surfers evenly spread out all over.
After struggling into my wetsuit in front of all the Harley bikers fraternizing in front of the Neptune's restaurant, I plunged in to the left of the Point, and just enjoyed sitting out there with the other surfers. Birds flew overhead in perfect V's and I met a woman on a 7'6" Mal who is travelling to Bolivia and Ecuador for four months to study Spanish. Both her and her boyfriend are nurses and are able to have that kind of flexibility.
I tried catching a few waves and was propelled with incredible speed towards the shore each time. After about two hours in the cold water, I struggled to shore and got to my car, shivering. I tried driving home with my wetsuit on - since I could, because I lived so close, but it ended up being a bad idea. I was cold all the way.
And I do plan on visiting Neptune's for a meal soon. As soon as I get the old Banana Slug down here and can ride it over and get ridiculed for having a sportbike.
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